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Coaching is a process whose main goal is to strengthen the client and support him in making the intended change on his own, based on his own discoveries, conclusions and resources.

Important elements of coaching;

- is voluntary

- excludes any directivity, e.g. on the part of the coach

- it helps people learn, not to be educated

- it is built on the basis of questions

- makes you think

- is done in an atmosphere of respect and full acceptance of the customer's value

- leads to conscious changes

- focuses on achieving goals


Depending on what sphere of life it concerns, we can distinguish;


- business coaching (business coaching) - concerning the professional path, career, setting goals and methods of their implementation in business. One of the most important tasks of business coaching is to stimulate the development of professional competences


- life coaching - concerns various personal spheres of the client's life. It focuses on improving the quality of life in a specific area or area, on better functioning in everyday life, supports personal development. One of the selected coaching goals may be, for example, developing the ability to build satisfying relationships with loved ones (partner, friends, family), moving to a new stage in life in connection with a new role (parenthood, changing professional interests), but also work related to accepting loss or going through the mourning process.


- health coaching - focuses on supporting the introduction of healthy eating habits as well as lifestyle changes


- sport coaching - deals with the development of the motivation of sports players. It does not replace the normal training impact or typical sports mentoring, but supports (through psychological methods) the athlete's attitude to training and the achievement of the sports goals agreed with the trainer.


Meetings once a week to once every 3 weeks, 60 minutes to 2 hours, 6-12 sessions depending on the specific goal / dilemma of the client


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