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EMDR psychotherapy is an acronym for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, which can be translated as psychotherapy based on desensitization through eye movement. Today, this name is considered partially inadequate, due to the fact that bilateral stimulation of the cerebral hemispheres can also be performed by touch and sound. The premise is the same: the right hemisphere is to get along with the left hemisphere. In the right, the centers responsible for emotions are calmed down, in the left, those responsible for rational thinking are activated. At the moment, it is one of the most dynamically developing psychotherapeutic approaches and at the same time one of the most thoroughly researched, the effects of which have been scientifically confirmed.


EMDR was initially used to treat PTSD. Over time, however, studies have confirmed its effectiveness in a much wider range of anxiety disorders, in obsessive-compulsive disorders, and even in depression. For years, this method has been successfully used in the treatment of psychological traumas resulting from various types of difficult experiences, i.e. physical or mental violence, neglect, sexual harassment, rape, road accidents, natural disasters, witnessing someone's death or accompanying relatives in an illness. EMDR has also turned out to be an effective method in the treatment of minor psychological traumas, the memory of which, although not causing such severe symptoms as in the case of PTSD, is associated with pain and mental suffering.


The duration of EMDR psychotherapy depends on the complexity of the problem and individual life history. The European EMDR Association data shows that on average there are three to six sessions before the problem is resolved. However, we must remember that this is only a statistic. Association networks, especially in people with the so-called complex trauma, they usually go back to specific childhood events and do not reveal themselves yet at the interview collecting stage. So when, during the protocol, we constantly receive new information that requires "processing", the therapy can be significantly extended over time.


Work only in the office. 1 meeting 60 minutes. Number of sessions 6-12.

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